1754 | Letter of 15 November 1754, Correspondance littéraire, ed. M. Tourneu, vol. 2 (Paris, 1879): 427. |
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1755 | "Extrait du Mémoire sur la Peinture à l'Encaustique, et sur la Peinture à la Cire, par M. le comte de Caylus, de l'Académie des Belles-lettres: et par M. Majault, Docteur de la Faculté de Médecine en l'Université de Paris, et Ancien Médecin des Armées du Roi," Journal œconomique (October 1755): 69–96. |
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1757 | Charles-Nicolas Cochin, fils, "Avis aux Dames," in Recueil de quelques pièces concernant les arts (Paris, 1757), 47–9. |
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1759 | Josiah Colebrooke, "Experiments Concerning the Encaustic Painting of the Ancients," Philosophical Transactions (London) 51 part 1 (1759): 40–53. |
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1760 | Johann Müntz, Encaustic: Or, Count Caylus's Method of Painting in the Manner of the Ancients (London, 1760). |
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1764 | Robert Dossie, "Of the Nature, Preparation, and Use of the Several Substances Employed in Encaustic Painting," Handmaid to the Arts, 2d ed., (London, 1764), 1: 290–305. |
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1769 | Benjamin Calau, Ausfürlicher Bericht, wie das Pünische oder Eleodorische Wachs aufzulösen (Leipzig, 1769). |
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1772 | Johann Heinrich Lambert, Beschreibung einer mit Calauischen Wachs ausgemalten Farbenpyramide (Berlin, 1772). |
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1779 | Placide-Auguste Le Pileur d'Apligny, "De la peinture encasutique," in Traité des couleurs matérielles (Paris, 1779), 248–99. |
1781 | Anton Friedrich Büsching, "Enkaustische Malerey," in Entwurf einer Geschichte der zeichnenden schönen Künste (Hamburg, 1781). |
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Rudolf Erich Raspe, A Critical Essay on Oil-Painting Proving That the Art of Painting in Oil Was Known Before the Pretended Discovery of John and Hubert Van Eyck (London, 1781), 33–5. | |
1784 | "Encaustic Painting," in Chambers Cyclopaedia, or An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences (London, 1784), 2:n.p. |
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1786 | "Pittura Encaustica," in Giornalle delle belle arti (Rome) 3 (1786): 65, 131–37. |
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1787 | "Polite Arts," Transactions of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (London) 5 (1787): 103–11. |
Frederick Wilhelm Basilus von Ramdohr, Über mahlerei und Bildhauerarbeit in Rom für Liebhaber des Schönen in der Kunst, vol. 2 (Leipzig, 1787), 174–76. | |
Vincenzo Requeno, Saggi sul ristablimento dell'antica arte de'Greci e Romani pittori 2d ed. (revised and expanded), 2 vols. (Parma, 1787). | |
Andreas Riem, Über die Malerei der Alten (Berlin, 1787). | |
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Johann Georg Muesel, Museum für Kunstler und für Kunstliebhaber, vol. 6 (Mannheim, 1788), 94. | |
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1792 | Claude-Henri Watelet and Pierre-Charles Levesque, "Encaustique," in Dictionnaire des arts de peinture, sculpture et gravure (Paris, 1792), 2:134–52. |
1793 | Emma Jane Greenland, "Method of Making a Composition for Painting, in Imitation of the Ancient Greek Manner," Transactions of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (London) 10 (1793): 167–73. |
1794 | Carl August Böttiger, "Geschichte der Enkaustik der Alten und der neueren Versuche, sie wieder herzustellen," Journal des Luxus und der Moden (Weimar, 1794): 455–504. |
Giovanni Fabbroni, "Antichità, Vantaggi, e Metodo della Pittura Encausta: Discorso Letto nella Pubblica Dunanza della Accademia Economica di Firenze nel 10 settembre 1794," Antologia (Florence) 23 (1796–97), 209–15, 217–21. | |
1795 | "Anweisung eine Masse für die Mahlerey nach Art der alten Enkaustik," Journal für Fabrik, Manufaktur, Handlung und Mode (Berlin) 8 (1795): 62–65. |
Pedro Garcia de la Huerta, Commentario de la pintura encasutica del pincel (Marid, 1795). | |
1798 | "Discours sur la Peinture à l'Encaustique," Annales de chimie (Paris) 26 (1798): 104. |
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1799 | "Anfrage, Tobias Mayers Wachsmalerey Betreffend," Der Neue Teutsche Merkur 1799 no. 1 (February 1799): 159–63. |
1800 | "Sur la Peinture à l'Encasutique et les Moyens Employés depuis peu pour la Restuaration de cet Art," Annales des arts et manufactures (Paris, 1800): 88–112. |
Source: Adapted from Fire of the Ancients: The Encaustic Revival in Europe, by Danielle Rice, Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University (Ann Arbor, MI, 1979) 254–63.