The name key to Schiffermüller's chart of blue color samples. The letters a. b. and c. on the color chart correspond to the bright or pale shade, the original shade and the dark or dull shade, respectively, of each color. Schiffermüller provided the names in German, Latin and French. Where there is a direct correspondence in nomenclature, the Latin and French names are keyed as the first column is. Where the relationship is less specific, or there are fewer terms, Schiffermüller supplied only the names, or indicated one or two correspondences within the category. Schiffermüller included extensive discursive notes about the color terminology. I have not reproduced those notes here.
I. Gatt. |
Blaue Schattirung | Color Caeruleus | Les Nuances du bleu |
A |
B |
C |
Caerulescens. Subcaeruleus. |
Bleu naissant |
D |
Bleu mourant. Bleu pâle. |
E |
Blande caeruleus. Suaviter caeruleus. |
Bleu mignon. Azurin. |
F |
Caeruleus. Belle, laete caeruleus (Caelestinus. Aereus.) Saphirinus. |
Bleu celeste. Couleur du Ciel. |
G |
Cyaneus. (Caeruleus Cyaneus) |
H |
Intense caeruleus. Saturate caeruleus. | Bleu couvert. Bleu turquin. Couleur de torquoise |
I |
Profunde caeruleus. (Cyaneus saturus.) Indicus. |
Bleu de Roi. Bleu foncé. Bleu brun clair. L'indico. |
K |
L |
Atrocaerulescens. Caeruleonigricans. Nigro caeruleus. Atrocaeruleus. Atrocyaneus. |
M |
Caeruleoniger Caerulscentiniger. Ater. |
Source: Ignaz Schiffermüller, Versuch eines Farbensystems (Vienna, 1772), 25.