
Gonin's Schedule 13 May to 15 June 1756

    Wed. 12 May Thur. 13 May Fri. 14 May Sat. 15 May Sun. 16 May
    - François Gonin,
- Pierre Godinot (principal inspector of toiles and toileries for Rouen)
- M. de Brou (intendent of Rouen) arrive in Yvetôt.
- Prepare cotton to be dyed.   - Prepare the composition for the cold blue vat.
- Gall cotton for madder dyeing.
- Gall for musc color.
Mon. 17 May Tues. 18 May Wed. 19 May Thur. 20 May Fri. 21 May Sat. 22 May Sun. 23 May
- Put composition into the vat
- Make a tonne au noir.
- Make composition to mordant the colors that get alum treatments.
- Gall for light and dark chestnut, brown.
- Alum cotton for madder.
- Dye Turkish blue.
- Dye blue base for black.
- Weld bath, twice.
- Baths of tonne de noir for chestnut, brown and musc.
- Weld light chestnut, musc, twice.
- Verdigris bath for musc.
- Gall olive and light olive.
- Enliven Turkish blue.
- Dye royal blue.
- Prepare weld bath (17 lb).
- Discharge cotton for madder.
- First maddering.
- Prepare verdigris bath for dark chestnut.
- Dye weld dark chestnut.
- Prepare tonne au noir bath for olive and light olive.
- Prepare verdigris bath for olive.
- Weld for olive and light olive.
- Use the tonne au noir for black.
- Use the oak bark and sumac bath for black.
- Weld bath of 17 lb.—twice for this and a second dip for that of the 19 lb.
- Verdigris bath for both cinnamon colors.
- Blue base for mallard green and glade green.
- Blue base for green-olive.
- Tonne au noir [browning] for black.
- Weld bath 17lb.—twice.
- Madder red no.1 given second madder bath.
- Vitriol bath for cinnamons.
- Vitriol bath for dark chestnut.
- Verdigris bath for brown.
- Weld bath for brown.
- Vitriol bath for musc.
- Vitriol bath for light olive.
- Enliven and soften light olive.
- Verdigris and weld for jonquil.
- Verdigris for lemon.
- Weld for lemon.
- Vitriol for lemon.
- First proof of the cold blue vat.
- Dye sky blue.
- Weld bath of 17 lb.— twice.
- Verdigris bath for coffee.
- Weld bath for coffee.
- Blue base for violet.
- Galling mallard green.
- Bath of tonne au noir for mallard green.
- Other greens made.
- Second galling for olive.
- Second bath of tonne au noir for olive.
- Second welding for olive.
- Second verdigris and weld for jonquil.
- Second welding for jonquil.
- Vitriol bath for jonquil.
- Enliven bath for jonquil.
- Enliven lemon.
- Dye blue base for Moorish gray.
- Dye blue base for iron and slate gray.
Mon. 24 May Tues. 25 May Wed. 26 May Thur. 27 May Fri. 28 May Sat. 29 May Sun. 30 May
- Enliven royal blue.
- Enliven sky blue.
- Gall madders 2, 3, and 4.
- Gall cinnamon.
- Gall coffee.
- Second galling for light and dark chestnuts.
- Second galling for brown.
- Enliven and sweeten olive.
- Make yellow-wood bath.
- Make India-wood bath.
- Alum madders 2, 3, and 4.
- Yellow-wood and alum for cinnamons.
- Yellow-wood and alumn the dark chestnut.
- Yellow-wood and alumn for coffee.
- Yellow-wood and alumn for brown.
- Yellow-wood and alum for musc.
- Gall green-olive.
- Gall for Moorish gray.
- Bath of tonne au noir and India wood or Moorish gray.
- Gall for iron and slate grays.
- Tonne au noir and India wood for iron and slate grays.
- Gall cotton for pearl, thorn and agate grays.
- Discharge madder 2, 3, and 4.
- Discharge cinnamons.
- Discharge light and dark chestnuts.
- Discharge coffee.
- Discharge brown.
- Discharge musc.
- Gall thorn gray.
- Gall slate gray.
- Gall pearl gray.
- Ascension Day - Two madderings to madders no. 2, 3, and 4.
- Madder the cinnamons.
- Tonne au noir and India wood for slate gray.
- Second proof of the cold blue vat.
- Browning or darkening the chestnut and cinnamon.
- Madder light chestnut.
- Madder coffee.
- Madder brown.
- Madder musc.
Mon. 31 May Tues. 1 June Wed. 2 June Thur. 3 June Fri. 4 June Sat. 5 June Sun. 6 Jun
- Pearl gray to the tonne au noir and India wood baths.
- Weld bath of 17lb.
- Sweeten the black cotton.
- Finish the chestnut and cinnamon, diminish its bright redness.
- Gall violet.
- Other welding for greens.
- Verdigris bath for glade green.
- Welding for glade green.
- tonne au noir bath for green-olive.
- Verdigris bath for green-olive.
- Weld green-olive.
- Tonne au noir for thorn gray.
- Make a second boiling of the India-wood bath.
- India wood with alum bath for violet.
- Enliven slate gray.
- Enliven and soften the cinnamons.
- Vitriol bath (as for cinnamons) for light chestnut.
- Enliven and soften the light and dark chestnut.
- Vitriol bath for coffee.
- Enliven and soften coffee.
- Vitriol bath for brown.
- Enliven and soften brown.
- Enliven and soften musc.
- Weld bath of 12 lb.
- Boil the India-wood bath.
- Vitriol bath for mallard green, glade green, and parrot green.
- Blue base for emerald green and parrot green.
- Verdigris bath for emerald green and parrot green.
- Weld for emerald green and parrot green.
- Vitriol bath for green-olive.
- Determined that the musc cotton. wasn't dark enough: new galling tonne au noir.
- Enliven and sweeten mallard-, emerald-, and parrot green.
- Enliven and sweeten green-olive.
- Vitriol bath for olive. [Gonin notes that this usually comes before enlivening.]
- Third proof of the cold blue vat.  
Mon. 7 June Tues. 8 June Wed. 9 June Thur. 10 June Fri. 11 June Sat. 12 June Sun. 13 June
          - Enliven all four madder reds.  
Mon. 14 June Tues. 15 June  
  - Tested and approved.  


Source: François Gonin, Procès-verbal des operations de teintures faites à Yvetot, par le sieur François Gonin, sur les orders du Conseil, en présence des sieurs commissiaires nommés par ordonnance de M. l'Indendant de la ville et generalité de Rouen du 11 mai 1756, et sous l'inspection du sieur Godinet, Inspecteur Principal des Manufactures de toiles et toileries de ladite généralité, et commis par le Conseil à cet effet (Rouen, 1756).