Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity'
The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations
during World War I, 1914-1923.
by Kenneth Steuer

Appendix Introduction A

German Prisoner of War Statistics —October 1918

1-YMCA Estimates.

2-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, June 1919.

Allied prisoners of war and interned civilians held by Germany in October 1918.

Nationality Officers Enlisted Totals
American 205 2,213 2,418
Belgian 290 39,678 39,968
Brazilian 0 2 2
British 5,536 157,723 163,259
French 6,183 446,001 452,184
Greek 37 4 41
Italian 4,571 120,129 124,700
Japanese 21 90 111
Montenegrin 0 5 5
Portuguese 266 6,625 6,891
Romanian 9 26,595 26,604
Russians 9,756 1,252,581 1,262,337
Serbian 4 25,622 25,626
Civilians 20,330
TOTALS 26,878 2,077,268 2,124,476

Source: Doegen, Kriegsgefangene Voelker, 1921, 12-27.