Magarett Hanahan v. Thomas Hanahan
31 January 1791
Before Robert Carter, Henry Sweetland, and Nicholas Brand, JPs
Deposed on Oath that on Sunday Evg 30th Jany. as she came home from her mother’s house she heard, as she approach’d ye Door of her husband’s House, her Youngest Child crying & on going in found it was in bed—asked her Husband what ye matter was with it, as it seem’d to Cry as tho it was stifling, he reply’d that he had coverd it over & it wou’d soon begone—she then exclaimd against him—& sd wou’d you murder the Child—& going into the room to its relief found it almost suffocated -
She further deposes that he then took the Eldest Child & swore it shou’d have no supper & otherwise ill used it—some hours after ongoing to bed—he took a Bough & Flogged the Child, to oblidge it to make water—& on her Interfereing he told her that if she contradicted him ~ he woud take a Hatchet or anything he coud find & ill use her—nothing more pass’d that night & on this Day complained to us & Craved the Peace of him her sd Husband ~
sworn before us ~
Robt Carter Hy Sweetland Nichl Brand |
In consequence of the above deposition a summons was issued—Court adjourned. -
Magarett Hanahan v. Thomas Hanahan
1 February 1791
Before Robert Carter, Henry Sweetland, and Nicholas Brand, JPs
Court assembled -
Thomas Hanahan was brot. in, was ordered to make his defence—which he not doing to the satisfaction of the Court—& there appearing Marks of Violence on the Children & wife.—the Court Ordered him thirty Nine lashes on the bare back— and tobe imprisoned while he find Security for the peace against his sd wife—& she praying tobe separated from him was granted.
Magarett Hanahan v. Thomas Hanahan
11 April 1791
[Before Robert Carter, Henry Sweetland, and Nicholas Brand, JPs]
Thoms Handerhan, who was committed to Jail for want of Surety of the Peace, demanded by his wife was Liberated, on his proving John Pritchett, Planter, to be bound for him—who there upon was Orderd by the Court to quit the District & nevermore to come here except by the Approbation of the Magistrates.
Sources: PANL, GN 5/4/C/1, Ferryland, box 1, Margarett Hanahan v. Thomas Hanahan, 31 January, 1 February, and 11 April 1791.