
1. Primary Sources and Unpublished Manuscripts

A. Manuscripts
CNS and CNS Archives

C.O. 194 Series. Correspondence between authorities at Newfoundland and the Colonial Office in Britain.

MF 236. Will of John Bole, Ferryland, 10 October 1759.

Whelan, Sister. Elizabeth. "History of the Community of St. Mary's." Unpublished research paper dated 4 April 1972.


Files on the following families: Benger, Carter, Coady, Costelloe, Culleton, Curran, Goff, Healey, Hynes, Johnston, Keough, Morry, Mountain, Ryan, Sullivan, Swain, Williams.

Robert Carter Diary, 1832-52.


Alan Goodridge and Sons Limited fonds, 1840-1909.

Corrigan, Francis. "The Ryans of Biscay Bay (1850-1970): A Study of Settlement," MHA, 43-A-1-42, Geography 2000 Collection, [early 1970s].

Hawco, Lorraine. "Ledwell, Calvert, Caplin Bay." MHA, 43-B-1-47. Geography 2000 Collection, [early 1970s].

Keith Matthews Collection. Early census material of British naval authorities at Newfoundland and correspondence to the Board of Trade, Britain.

MF-053. Robert Carter Diary, partial typescript, 1832-37. MF-105. Letterbook of Capt. Michael Richards, Commander at Fort William, 1700-3.

MF-191. Letterbook of Edward Kough, 1818-34.

R 95/20. "List of Inhabitants' Names, the No. of Their Families, 1708." Transcribed from C.O. 194, vol. 4, fols. 253-56, by W. Gordon Handcock.

Undergraduate Research Papers. Anthropology 2230 Collection.

Undergraduate Research Papers. Geography 2000 Collection.

Undergraduate Research Papers. History Collection.


Johnson, Zita. "Calendar Customs and Rites of Passage at Renews." MUNFLA ms. 68-011D. Unpublished research paper, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1967-68.

O'Brien, Andrew. "Wake, Funeral and Burial Customs in Cape Broyle." MUNFLA ms. 68-016C. Unpublished research paper, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1967-68.

———. "Songs from Cape Broyle." MUNFLA Tape 68-16/490. Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1967-68.


Various genealogical records for communities in the study area, including birth, marriage, and death records and gravestone listings.


GN 2/1/A. Outgoing correspondence from the Newfoundland governor's office as recorded by the local colonial secretary, 1749-1834.

GN 2/2. Incoming correspondence to the Newfoundland governor's office as recorded by the local colonial secretary, 1825-91.

GN 2/39/A. Early census material for the study area, 1675, 1677, and 1681, as well as submissions to the Board of Trade respecting the advantages and disadvantages of the planter fishery, 1675, 1677, and 1691.

GN 5/1. Registry of Wills, vols. 1 and 2.

GN 5/1/C/1, 5/1/C/6, 5/1/C/9, 5/2/C/1, 5/2/C/3, 5/2/C/4, 5/2/C/8, and 5/4/C/1. Court and probate records (various), Ferryland and Trepassey–St. Mary's Districts.

GN 5/2/A/1. Court records, Central district.

GN 21/1/A. Department of Education, Minute Book of the Protestant Board of Education for the District of Ferryland, 1836-37 and 1843-78.

GN 21/6/2. Department of Education, Minute Books of the Roman Catholic Board of Education for the District of Conception Bay, 1836-57.

MG 31. Carter Family Papers.

MG 49. Sweetman Collection, various loose materials, including business correspondence and accounts.

MG 204. Papers of Governor Thomas Duckworth.

MG 205. Papers of Governor Charles Morice Pole, including copy of a nominal census of Ferryland district comprising: register of families, 1 January 1800; list of masters, servants, and dieters, winter 1799 and spring 1800; and list of masters, servants, and dieters, 13 August 1800. Original held at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, WYN/109/9. Copy also held at the National Archives of Canada, MG 24 A 46, Sir Charles M. Pole fonds, reel A-134.

MG 206. Papers of Governor Thomas Cochrane.

MG 237. Matthew Morry Papers.

MG 247. Carter-Benger-Nason Papers.

MG 473. Alan Goodridge and Son Collection, particularly the business ledgers for 1839 and 1841.

MG 598,. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Collection, particularly Series C, D, E, and G.

MG 708. Mary Ann Simms Scrapbook.

MG 920. Robert Carter Diary, 1832-52.

Mildred Howard Collection. Vital statistics from Newfoundland newspapers.

Parish Records
Church of England

Petty Harbour Parish, Ferryland District:
baptisms—1823 onward
marriages—1829 onward
deaths—1827 onward.

(Other records for the study area are available but fall outside the time frame.)

Roman Catholic

Bay Bulls Parish:
baptisms—1830 onward.

Witless Bay Parish:
baptisms—1831 onward;
marriages—1830 onward;
deaths—1901 onward.

Brigus South Parish:
headstone data, 1879-1900.

Renews Parish:
baptisms—1857 onward;
marriages—1838 onward.

Trepassey Parish:
baptisms—1843 onward;
deaths—1856 onward.

St. Mary's Parish:
baptisms—1843 onward;
marriages—1844 onward;
deaths—1891 onward.

(Other records for the study area are available but fall outside the time frame.)


Condon, Raymond J. "A Brief History of the Early Catholic Missionaries on the Southern Shore." Unpublished research paper, Labrador City, 23 April 1983.

"The Four Foundresses First Letters Home to Ireland." File containing letters of Mother Mary Bernard Kirwan and Sisters Magdalene O'Shaughnessey, Mary Xavier Lynch, and Mary Xavier Molony, 1833-34.


340.9 N45. Surrogate Court Records, Ferryland and Trepassey–St. Mary's districts, 1773-1804.

971.8/SA8/NR. Sweetman Letterbook, 1788-1804, and miscellaneous items.


100 Series. Bishop James O Donel Papers, 1784-1806.

101 Series. Bishop Patrick Lambert Papers, 1807-16.

102 Series. Bishop Thomas Scallan Papers, 1817-29.

103 Series. Bishop Michael A. Fleming Papers, 1829-50. Includes Dean Patrick Cleary, "A note on church history" [1784-1850].

Private Collections

Mannion, John. Name File Collection. Database on Irish immigrants to Newfoundland from the eighteenth century onward. Private Collection, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Unidentified mercantile journal, 1881-92, found in the White–Maher house at Ferryland prior to its demolition circa 1960s and currently in the possession of HE of Ferryland.

B. Newspapers

Public Ledger
Royal Gazette and Newfoundland Advertiser


Clonmel Gazette
Cork Evening Post
Waterford Chronicle
Waterford Herald
Wexford Herald

C. Unpublished Manuscripts from the Study Area

Barnable, Gerald. "The Ferryland Magistracy." Unpublished manuscript, Ferryland, n.d.

———. "An Outline of Renews History." Unpublished manuscript, Ferryland, December 1992.

Calvert Come Home Year Committee. "From Caplin Bay, 1920 to Calvert, 1995." Calvert: Calvert Come Home Year Committee, 1995.

Croft, Agnes, Janet Curran, Sheila Hynes, Catherine Fennelly, Dot Fennelly, Rick Kenny, and Randy Crane. "A Glimpse into the Past." Unpublished manuscript, Ferryland, n.d. Sketches by Jack Barnable.

Ferryland Historical Society. "Ferryland Bibliography." Unpublished listing of newspaper items relating to Ferryland, n.d.

Hurd, Lisa, Donald Hurd, Guy Barnable, Jennifer Power, and Jim Walsh. "Research Report on Living History Potential at Ferryland." Unpublished manuscript, Ferryland, April 1995.

O'Brien, James Joseph (Jim Joe). "Cape Broyle, 1959-60." Unpublished community history, [1960]. Copy in possession of author.

———. "Cape Broyle." Unpublished chronicle of the old families of Cape Broyle, 1971. Copy in possession of author.

———. "Leahy Family." Unpublished and untitled notes on the Leahy family at Cape Broyle, [1971?]. Copy in possession of author.

———. "The Oldridge Family." Unpublished notes on the Oldridge family at Cape Broyle, [1971?]. Copy in possession of author.

Power, Jennifer. "Research Reports." Unpublished manuscripts, Ferryland, February 1995 (background notes for the report, cited above, by Hurd et al.; review of secondary literature and numerous oral interviews on a range of topics relating to historical Ferryland, including general history, religion, medicine, the role of women, social customs, superstitions, shipwrecks, education, and the economy).

Untitled and undated directory of inhabitants of Ferryland from the seventeenth century to the nineteenth century. Prepared for the Colony of Avalon site, Ferryland, n.d.

D. Published Manuscripts and Documents

Anspach, Rev. Lewis A. A History of the Island of Newfoundland. London: Anspach, 1819.

Chappell, Lieut. Edward, R.N. Voyage of the Rosamond to Newfoundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador. London: n.p., 1818.

Fleming, Mons. Michael Anthony. "The State of the Catholic Religion in Newfoundland Reviewed in Two Letters by Monsignor Fleming to Rev. P. John Spratt." Rome, 1836.

———. Report of the Catholic Mission in Newfoundland in North America. Submitted to the Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda. Rome: Printing Press of the Sacred Congregation, 1837.

———. "Letter on the State of Religion in Newfoundland." Addressed to the Very Rev. Dr. A. O'Connell, Dublin, 11 January 1844. Dublin: James Duffy, 1844.

Howley, Rev. Michael F. Ecclesiastical History of Newfoundland. Boston: Doyle and Whittle, 1888; reprint, Belleville, ON: Mika, 1971.

Pedley, Rev. Charles. The History of Newfoundland. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1863.

Reeves, John. History of the Government of the Island of Newfoundland. London: n.p., 1793; reprint, Yorkshire: S. R. Publishers, 1967.

Thomas, Aaron. The Newfoundland Journal of Aaron Thomas, edited by Jean M. Murray. London: Longmans, Green, 1968.

Journal of the Legislative Council. St. John's: Queen's Printer, 1836-78.

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Newfoundland Population Returns, 1845. St. John's: Ryan and Withers, 1845.

Newfoundland Population Returns, 1857. St. John's: Queen's Printer, 1858. Extract from the Journal of the House of Assembly, 1858 (Sessional Papers).

Statutes of Newfoundland, 1834-60.

E. Oral Interviews and Personal Correspondence from Informants

AG. Ferryland. Interview, 21 July 1999.

EO. Calvert/Caplin Bay. Interview, 26 August 1999.

ESF. Cape Broyle. Interview, 25 August 1999.

ESX. Calvert/Caplin Bay. Interview, 19 July 1999.

EW. Calvert/Caplin Bay (formerly of Trepassey). Interviews, 21 July and 30 August 1999.

EC. St. Mary's (formerly of Gaskiers). Interview, 10 September 1999.

HE. Ferryland. Interview, July 20, 1999. Also, handwritten notes, July 1999, and letters to author dated 8 March 1999 and 31 January, 13 March, and Christmas 2000.

ISF. St. John's (formerly of Cape Broyle). Interview, 4 May 2001.

IT. Calvert/Caplin Bay. Interview, 19 July 1999.

IV. Calvert/Caplin Bay. Interview, 23 August 1999.

JSF. St. John's (formerly of Cape Broyle). Interviews, 1972 and 1974.

JA. Cape Broyle. Interview, 1974.

KO. St. John's (formerly of Cape Broyle). Interviews, 1972, 1974, 15 May 1998, and 26 March and 4 May 2001.

NNSF. Cape Broyle. Interviews, 1972 and 1974.

NO. Ferryland . Interview, 24 August 1999.

NSF. Cape Broyle (formerly of Calvert / Caplin Bay) . Interviews, 1972 and 1974.

NXSF. Cape Broyle. Interviews, 1972 and 1974.

NA. Ferryland . Interview, 9 May 2000.

QH. Ferryland. Interviews, 27 July and 24 August 1999.

QO. Renews. Interview, 31 August 1999.

QSF. Cape Broyle. Interview, 22 July 1999, and handwritten notes, July 1999.

QC. St. Mary's. Interview, 11 September 1999.

VF. St. John's (formerly of Calvert/Caplin Bay). Interview, 26 March 2001.

VN. Ferryland. Interview, 9 May 2000.

XF. Brigus South. Interview, 22 June 1999.

XT. Calvert / Caplin Bay. Interview, 19 July 1999.

Byrne, Cyril (coordinator of Irish Studies at Saint Mary's University, Halifax). E-mail to author, 8 September 2000.

F. Other

Displays at the Capt. William Jackman Museum, Renews.

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