Ferial Psalter from St. Agnes, Strasbourg, c. 1300. St Peter perg 8b, f 99r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Initial B opening psalm 1, Beatus vir, with King David. Female Dominican Psalter after 1234. St. Peter perg 11a, f. 1r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Head of Christ in initial D. Female Dominican Psalter after 1234. St. Peter perg 11a, f. 15v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Female saint in initial D. Female Dominican Psalter after 1234. St. Peter perg 11a, f. 25r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
St. Michael in initial Q. Female Dominican Psalter after 1234. St. Peter perg 11a, f. 34v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Bishop's Head in initial D. Female Dominican Psalter after 1234. St. Peter perg 11a, f. 35r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Saint Dominic in initial E. Female Dominican Psalter after 1234. St. Peter perg 11a, f. 57r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Woman with book (perhaps a patron) in initial D. Female Dominican Psalter after 1234. St. Peter perg 11a, f. 69v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany
Initial S opening psalm 68. Late-thirteenth-century ferial Psalter from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 19, f. 78v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Miniature of presentation of Christ. Early fourteenth-century book of rites and processional from St. Agnes in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 21, f. 5v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany
Miniature of Christ's entry into Jerusalem. Early fourteenth-century book of rites and processional from St. Agnes in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 21, f. 12r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany
Miniature of Christ in the Garden. Early fourteenth-century book of rites and processional from St. Agnes in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 21, f. 22v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany
Miniature of Christ washing the apostles' feet. Early fourteenth-century book of rites and processional from St. Agnes in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 21, f. 30r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany
Miniature of Christ's Ascension. Early fourteenth-century book of rites and processional from St. Agnes in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 21, f. 45r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany
Miniature of the Death of the Virgin Mary. Early fourteenth-century book of rites and processional from St. Agnes in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 21, f. 50v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany
Page with miniature of Christ's Presentation. Early fourteenth-century processional from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 22, f. 2r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Miniature of Christ's entry into Jerusalem. Early fourteenth-century processional from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 22, f. 6v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Miniature of Christ washing apostle's feet with Dominican nun. Early fourteenth-century processional from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 22, f. 14r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Miniature of Vesperbild. Early-fourteenth-century processional from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg. 22, f. 21v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Page with drolleries. Early fourteenth-century processional from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 22, f. 22r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Miniature of the Resurrection. Early fourteenth-century processional from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 22, f. 24r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Miniature of Christ's Ascension. Early fourteenth-century processional from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 22, f. 25v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Miniature of the Death of the Virgin Mary. Early fourteenth-century processional from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 22, f. 29r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Page with miniature of the death of a Dominican nun. Early fourteenth-century processional from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg 22, f. 33r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Death of a Dominican Nun. Early fourteenth-century processional from a female Dominican house in Strasbourg. St. Peter perg. 22, f. 33r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany
Last Supper. Fourteenth-century gradual from an unknown Dominican house. St. Peter perg. 49, f. 17v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
John the Evangelist as bishop. Fourteenth-century gradual from an unknown Dominican house. St. Peter perg. 49, f. 19v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Birth of John the Baptist. Fourteenth-century gradual from an unknown Dominican house. St. Peter perg. 49, f. 81v, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
John the Baptist. Fourteenth-century gradual from an unknown Dominican house. St. Peter perg. 49, f. 132r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
John the Baptist preaching. Fourteenth-century gradual from an unknown Dominican house. St. Peter perg. 49, f. 233r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
John the Baptist with Agnus Dei. Fourteenth-century gradual from an unknown Dominican house. St. Peter perg. 49, f. 234r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Burial office with text feminized. Book of rites and processional from Unterlinden, after 1348. St. Peter perg 70, f 34r, Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany
Page with Christ and a praying Dominican nun. Initial A opening Advent portion of fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 3v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Christ and a praying Dominican nun. Initial A opening Advent portion of fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 3v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Page with Nativity in initial P. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 15v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar , France.
Initial P with Nativity scene. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 15v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Beginning of the Litany of the Saints. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 91r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Litany of the Saints continued. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 91v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Litany of the Saints continued. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 92r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Litany of the Saints continued. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 93r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Litany of the Saints with additions made. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 93v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Resurrection with Mary Magdalen in Initial R. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 99r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Page with the Ascension of Christ in initial V. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 115r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Ascension in initial V. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 115r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Page with Gift of the Holy Spirit in initial S. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 118v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Gift of the Holy Spirit in initial S. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 118v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Page with John the Baptist and Dominican nuns in initial D. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 165v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
John the Baptist with Dominican nuns in initial D. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 165v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial G. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 136, f. 178r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Reused parchment pasted inside back cover. Thirteenth-century ferial Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 301, Rear pastedown, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial Q opening psalm 51 in a ferial or choral psalter. Thirteenth-century Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 301, f. 52v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial D opening psalm 109. Thirteenth-century ferial Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 301, f. 80v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Page. Thirteenth-century ferial Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 301, f. 81r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Litany of the Saints [right-hand column] in a thirteenth-century ferial Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 301, f. 106r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Hymn for the nativity of John the Baptist. Thirteenth-century ferial Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 301, f. 125v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Hymn for the nativity of John the Baptist continued. Thirteenth-century ferial Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 301, f. 126r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
January calendar page from a late thirteenth/early fourteenth century collection. Ms. 302, f. 3v and 4r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Page. Late thirteenth to early fourteenth century collection from Unterlinden. Ms. 302, f. 16r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Page. Late thirteenth to early fourteenth century collection from Unterlinden. Ms. 302, f. 17v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Beginning of the Usuard Martyrology. Late thirteenth to early fourteenth century collection from Unterlinden. Ms. 302, f. 25v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Marginal notations made to Martyrology. Late thirteenth to early fourteenth century collection from Unterlinden. Ms. 302, f. 46r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Opening of the Constitution for Dominican nuns. Late thirteenth to early fourteenth century collection from Unterlinden. Ms. 302, f. 162r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Chapters of the Constitution for Dominican nuns. Late thirteenth to early fourteenth century collection from Unterlinden. Ms. 302, f. 162v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Constitution continued. Late thirteenth to early fourteenth century collection from Unterlinden. Ms. 302, f. 163r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Addition to manuscript. Late thirteenth to early fourteenth century collection from Unterlinden. Ms. 302, f. 180v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Pastedown at end of manuscript. Late thirteenth to early fourteenth century collection from Unterlinden. Ms. 302, f. 181r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Antiphons. Fourteenth-century antiphonal-gradual from Unterlinden. Ms 303, f 120v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Antiphons. Fourteenth-century antiphonal-gradual from Unterlinden. Ms 303, f 121r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial A opening Advent. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 312, f. 7v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Marginal drawings of human fish hybrids. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 312, f. 50v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Drawings with initial M. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 312, f. 78v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Agnus Dei doodle in margin. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 312, f. 79v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Marginal drawing of man with cooking pot. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 312, f. 102r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Christ and a praying Dominican nun in initial A. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 317, f. 3r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Nativity in Initial P. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 317, f. 13r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Resurrection with Mary Magdalen. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 317, f. 73r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Ascension in initial V. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 317, f. 85r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Gift of the Holy Spirit in initial S. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 317, f. 87v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
John the Baptist in initial D. Fourteenth-century gradual from Unterlinden. Ms. 317, f. 122v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
January calendar page from fourteenth century Psalter. Ms. 402, f. 1r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial B opening psalm 1, Beatus vir. Fourteenth-century Psalter from Unterlinden. Ms. 402, f. 3r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Front paste down. Fourteenth-century Psalter from Unterlinden. Ms. 402, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial B opening psalm 1, Beatus vir. Thirteenth century Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 404, f. 47r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial D opening psalm 26. Thirteenth century Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 404, f. 61r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial D opening psalm 38. Thirteenth century Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 404, f. 70r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial Q opening psalm 51. Thirteenth century Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 404, f. 78v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial E opening psalm 80. Thirteenth century Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 404, f. 99r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial D opening psalm 101. Thirteenth century Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 404, f. 123v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial B opening psalm 1, Beatus vir. Fourteenth-century Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 405, f. 47v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Detail of drawing in lower margin on first page of psalms. Fourteenth-century Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 405, f. 47v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Initial D opening psalm 26. Fourteenth-century Psalter-hymnal from Unterlinden. Ms. 405, f. 74v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Fifteenth-century copy of the Vitae Sororum from Unterlinden. Ms. 508, f. 1r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Sister-Book of Unterlinden. Fifteenth-century copy of the Vitae Sororum. Ms. 508, f. 38 v and 39r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Foundation legend for Unterlinden. Fifteenth-century Obituary. Ms. 576, f. 1r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
List of early nuns at Unterlinden. Fifteenth-century Obituary. Ms. 576, f. 2r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
List of women who entered Unterlinden upon their death. Fifteenth-century Obituary. Ms. 576, f. 7r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Obituary list for Unterlinden prioresses. Fifteenth-century Obituary. Ms. 576, f. 8v, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
Augustinian Rule. Fifteenth-century Obituary from Unterlinden. Ms. 576, f. 85r, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Colmar, France.
St. Katharinenthal as it appears today along the south side of the Rhine River. Diessenhofen, Switzerland.
St. Katharinenthal. The fourteenth-century Kornhaus is the tall peaked structure. The south wall of the Rhine River valley rises sharply on the left. Diessenhofen, Switzerland.
Looking east toward Diessenhofen center from St. Katharinenthal. Diessenhofen, Switzerland.
Looking north across Rhine River from St. Katharinenthal. Diessenhofen, Switzerland.
Looking west from St. Katharinenthal. Diessenhofen, Switzerland.
Grave marker for one of the founders of Unterlinden, Agnes Hergenheim. Musee Unterlinden. Colmar, France.
1840 plan of Unterlinden.
1840 drawing that reconstructs the layout of Unterlinden.
The choir and apse of Unterlinden. Now the Musee Unterlinden. Colmar, France.
Wall buttresses on the choir of the Unterlinden church. Colmar, France.
Nave of the Unterlinden church. Colmar, France.
Detail of exterior wall of the nave of the Unterlinden church. The arches indicate the former south side aisle. Colmar, France.
Detail from west portal into nave of Unterlinden church. Colmar, France.
Exterior of Unterlinden church from cloister garden. The change in the roof line marks the choir on the left and the nave on the right. Colmar, France.
West cloister arcade at Unterlinden. The more elaborate arch in the center marks the lavabo. Colmar, France.
Lavabo in west arcade from inside cloister walk at Unterlinden. Trough can see just seen under the opening. Colmar, France.
Elongated choir of seven bays in the Unterlinden church. Colmar, France.
Ribbed arches, vaults, and half capitals of the Unterlinden choir. Colmar, France.
The modern gallery in the nave at Unterlinden. Colmar, France.
Fifteenth- or early-sixteenth-century wall painting on north wall of choir at Unterlinden. Colmar, France.
Niche in south wall of Unterlinden choir, near apse. Colmar, France.