Between Winds and Clouds

The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)

Bin Yang


Table 6.2 Exchange Rate between Cowries and Silver

Abridged from "Exchange rate between cowry and other types of money, Yunnan, 1280–1647," in Hans Ulrich Vogel, "Cowry Trade and Its Role in the Economy of Yunnan: From the Ninth to the Mid-Seventeenth Century (Part II)," Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient vol. 36, no. 4 (1993), 338-39.

Table 6.2 Exchange Rate between Cowries and Silver
Year Standardization of Original Data to Cowries / Taels
Circa 1280 600
1282 2,000 (Kunming);
2,667 (Dali);
3,200 (Yongchang)
Circa 1368 8,000
1524 7,200
1540 4,405
1548 7,200
1591 7,547
1610 10,400
1615 13,600
1623 8,000
Circa 1625 13,339
After 1626 28,000
Toward 1644 24,000–40,000
1647 56,000