Case File No. 39

Ann St. Croix v. Benjamin St. Croix
16 October 1821
Before Charles A. Baker, Surrogate and JP, and William Phipard, JP

Ptff a woman of 33 charged her husband the Defandant aged 77 with neglect and ill treatment for the last two years and prayed that he might be compelled to provide for her support and that of their seven Children—The parties not agreeing to live together;

Under an Order of Court the Defendant made an agreement to give up the use of his house and garden to the Ptff; to pay £6 at the end of the present season, and £5 per annum in future for the support of the children, who were to be left in her charge.

Ann St. Croix v. Edward Power
16 October 1822
Before William Phipard, JP

Plaintiff states her Husband did not cohabit with her since the Summer of 1819 and that a settlem[ent] took place in the Court of Sessions at St. Marys on the 16 day of October 1821—for the support of her Children through the medium of her Husband as in the records will now fully appear—That on the 17 of July 1822 she was delivered of a Male Child begotten by the reputed father Edwd. Power.

The Examination of Ann St. Croix of Saint Mary’s in said Port married Woman, taken upon Oath before me William Phipard Esqr—One of His Majestys Justices of the Peace in, and for the said Port—this 16th day of October, who saith that on the 17th day of July now last past in the Port of St Marys aforesaid—She the said Ann St. Croix was delivered of a (Male) bastard Child and that the said bastard Child is likely to become chargeable to the said Port of St. Marys—and that Edward Power of the said Port St. Marys Fisherman, did get her with Child of the said bastard Child.

Taken and signed the day and year
above written before me
   William Phipard J.P.
Ann x St. Croix

The reputed father having eloped from the Port to evade Justice—an order was issued by the Court to detain in the hands of Mr Wm Rideout a ballance of £4..15..4 due to the said Edwd. Power untill further orders, in restitution made for the support etc of said bastard Child and sufficient recognisance entered into—Ordered that forty Forty shillings be paid for the necessary expences of laying in—and that three shillings pr Week for the support of the said bastard Child—as far as the given sum of £4..15..4—laying in the hands of the aforesaid William Ridout.

William Phipard J.P.

Sources: PANL, GN 5/4/C/1, St. Mary's: 111, Ann St. Croix v. Benjamin St. Croix, 16 October 1821; and 130-31, Ann St. Croix v. Edward Power, 17 July 1822.
