Chapter 9. Translations

Section 1, Paragraph 4:

con cargo de que no se entremeta en lo que toca a la governacion y oficios de la casa de qualquier genero

["with the charge that he not interfere in matters of whatever type relating to the governance and offices of the house."]

Section 1, Paragraph 7:

nunca truio el susodicho con migo copula ni asiento carnal por ser como es inpotente

["he never had copulation or carnal dealings with me, because he is impotent."]

Section 1, Paragraph 10:

porque como son mugeres saven poco de negos y se vendria en perder muy gran parte de la hacienda del dicho monesto y despues de perdida no tendria ningun remedio

["because as they are women they know little of business and much of the wealth of the monastery could be lost, and once it is lost [the convent] will have no remedy."]

Section 1, Paragraph 11:

los mayordomos de los monesterios de monjas, como son pagados de sus rentas, seria cosa dura ponerselos á voluntad agena

["it is very difficult to compel the majordomos of monasteries of nuns, who are paid out of [convent] income, to accept outside direction."]

Section 1, Paragraph 12:

sin proposito ni causa hizo derribar la iglesia de la santissima trinidad que no se podra rrehedificar como estava con mucha cantidad de moneda

["without purpose or cause she had the Church of the Holy Trinity destroyed, and it cannot be rebuilt as it was without a great deal of money."]

Section 1, Paragraph 14:

muy gran ynconviniente y travajo para las demas rreligiosas que esten en el dicho monesterio cinco hermanas y una madre governandolas y mandandolas

["very great inconvenience and labor for the other nuns who are in the said house that five sisters and a mother govern and command them."]


no es de maravillar pues están en él cinco hermanas y una madre que todo lo gobiernan a su modo

["is no wonder when in it there are five sisters and a mother who govern everything according to their own style."]

Section 1, Paragraph 15:

la dicha luisa de santa clara se paso con casi todas las monjas a unos aposentos que estavan pegados al cuerpo de la yglesia bien apartados de la dicha casa a los quales se yvan por un callejon que estava hecho por dentro de unos corrales y en presencia de esta testigo queriendolas poner en paz oyo que se dezian palabras deshonestas llamando la dicha luisa de santa clara a maria de sant niculas vellaca mala muger y que se fuese a su casa con su marido lo qual pasavan [sic] en presencia de las donzellas que alli estavan rrecogidas para monjas y la causa porque las dichas hermanas rrenian hera por que pretendian la una y la otra ser abadesas y la dicha luisa de santa clara dezia que su hermana fundase monesterio en la casa donde estavan rrecogidas las dichas donzellas y que ella fundaria otro monesterio en todo el sitio y quadra de la santissima trinidad.

[the said Luisa de Santa Clara went with almost all the nuns to some cells attached to the body of the church, which are well separated from the [main] house ... and in the presence of this witness (who wanted to help restore peace) dishonest words were said, with Luisa de Santa Clara calling María de San Nicolás a wicked, bad woman, and telling her to go home to her husband, which took place in front of the maidens whom were enclosed there to become nuns; and the reason the sisters were fighting was that both the one and the other were seeking to be abbesses; and Luisa de Santa Clara said that her sister should found a monastery in the house in which the said maidens were enclosed, and she would found another in the entire site and block of the Holy Trinity.]

Section 1, Paragraph 16:

unas Beatas que binieron de España, y las bolvieron a enbiar alla

["some beatas who came from Spain, and who were sent back there."]

Section 2, Paragraph 2:

las que si estubieran en el siglo quizas no la recibieran en su familia, ni aun por criada

["those who when they were in the world perhaps would not have received her in their homes, not even as a servant."]

Section 2, Paragraph 12:

en las cosas de la castidad, poniendole desseo de tener acto torpe y deshonesto con el mesmo demonio figurandosele en figura de hombre

["relating to chastity, giving her the desire to commit a lewd and dishonest act with the same devil in the form of a man."]

Section 2, Paragraph 28:

como thenian poca hedad y avian estado en esta casa recogidas

["as they were young and had [always] been enclosed in this house."]


cosas hondas como cosas de nuestra fee como es esto como es lo otro, cosas que no son dadas a mujeres

["deep things, like matters of our faith, things which are not given to women."]

Section 2, Paragraph 34:

esta gente de España tiene su estrella en las Yndias; Ynes de la Cruz es gachupina, y ha de salir con la fundacion

["these Spanish people have their star in the Indies; Inés de la Cruz is a gachupína, and [so] she must succeed with the foundation."]


era propiedad de gachupinas ser noveleras amigas de hacer ruido, ambisiosas para ganar fama

["it is typical of Spanish women to be lovers of novelty and of making noise, and ambitious to gain fame."]

Section 3, Paragraph 6:

mostrando estar muy contenta de que los frailes no la ovieran visto comulgar

["seeming very happy that the friars had not seen her communicate."]

Section 2, Paragraph 8:

preciandose de letrada ... diziendo que ella no tratava sino cosas de espiritu

["acting like a scholar and saying that she talked only about matters of the spirit."]


como con medio tomin de vino se avia de enborrachar dos mugeres

["how two women could get drunk on a half tomín of wine."]

Section 3, Paragraph 7:

un traguillo de vino tanto quanto puede caber en media cascara de huevo

["a little gulp of wine which would fit into a half eggshell"]

Section 3, Paragraph 10:

ynorancia y mucha presumpcion y sobervia y confiança en si mesma

["ignorance and much presumption and haughtiness and self-confidence."]

Section 3, Paragraph 15:

y que save mucho aunques grande la arrogancia que tiene acerca de lo mucho que save

["and she knows a great deal, although she is very arrogant about what she knows."]

Section 3, Paragraph 29:

por tal la an thenido en todo el barrio y por muger de grande rrecogimito

["the whole neighborhood has taken her for such, and for a very recollected woman."]


la ha tenido por una ssta assi por las cossas que a dicho como por los buenos consejos que dava a este

["he has taken her for a saint both for the things she has said and for the good counsel she has given him."]

Section 3, Paragraph 37:

de hordinao quando se vian se bessavan y abraçavan, y esta la metia las manos en los pechos, y ... vino esta en polucion diez o doze vezes las dos dellas en la yglesia

["ordinarily when they saw one another they kissed and hugged, and [Marina] put her hands on the breasts [of the other woman], and ... came to orgasm ten or twelve times, twice in the church."]