Chapter 7. Translations

Introduction, Paragraph 2:

toda la ciudad esta admirada que cinco hermanas y una madre ayan sido poderosas para ynquietar toda una ciudad

["at how five sisters and their mother have been powerful enough to disrupt an entire city."]

Section 1, Paragraph 7:

nunca an querido rrecibir el dicho convento... porque no tienen licencia

["never wanted to receive the said convent ... because they had no license."]


porque los ordinarios no pueden cunplir con la dotrina que las rreligiosas an menester con muchos negocios que tienen

["because the ordinaries cannot carry out the doctrine the nuns need because of their many duties."]

Section 1, Paragraph 8:

dessean dar la ovediencia a la orden de sant franco cuya rregla profesaron

["want to give obedience to the order of Saint Francis, whose rule they professed."]


por parescerles muy necesario a la quietud y recogimiento de las dichas religiosas

["because it appears very necessary for the quietude and recollection of the said nuns."]

Section 1, Paragraph 10:

un monesterio de monjas desta ciudad de Mexico, que llaman la Madre de Dios, y dizen ser de nuestra orden

["a monastery of nuns of this city, which is called Mother of God, and which they say is of our order."]

Section 1, Paragraph 11:

... si tuviesemos cargo de monesterio de monjas, porque, como ellas están encerradas y no pueden por sí solicitar sus negocios, de necesidad, o por piedad, los frayles los abriamos de tomar por nuestros, y meternos en una red de donde despues no nos pudiesemos descabullir.

[... if we would take charge of a monastery of nuns, because they are enclosed and cannot themselves pursue their own affairs, of necessity, or out of pity, the friars would have to take them on as our own, and we would place ourselves in a web from which we would be unable to escape.]

Section 1, Paragraph 14:

por quanto los religiosos entienden mas y mejor las cosas de rreligion y perfection

["insofar as the friars understand more and better things relating to religion and perfection."]

Section 1, Paragraph 15:

de contraria opinión y voluntad de la mayor parte de las monjas

["against the opinion and will of the majority of the nuns."]


sea servido de no permitir seamos mas afligidas con esta demanda, pues se entiende llano que las monjas pues no responden no quieren frailes

["be served to not permit that we be further afflicted with this demand, as it is clearly understood that the nuns, since they do not respond, do not want friars."]

Section 1, Paragraph 17:

le sería esto de inconveniente para no poder cumplir con la dotrina é instrucción de los naturales de esa tierra

["would be inconvenient as they could not fulfill the doctrine and instruction of the natives of the land."]

Section 1, Paragraph 19:

rregularlas conforme al concilio Tridentino aunque con suavidad

["bring them into accord with the Council of Trent, although with gentleness."]

Section 1, Paragraph 20:

tengo obligacion de dezir lo que siento, quando son subiectas a frailes nunca faltan visitas ni correspondencias de provincial comisso guardian y de sus compañeros amigos y conocidos y en un año bienen a tener conocimo con toda la orden.

[ have the obligation to say what I feel; when [nuns] are subject to friars, they never lack correspondence with or visits from the provincial, the commissary, the guardian, and from their companions, friends, and acquaintances; and in one year they get to know the entire order.]

Section 1, Paragraph 25:

estaban contentos y se holgaban muncho de aber dado la obediencia a el señor arçobispo mas que a la horden de san francisco por tenerle mas a la mano para sus nescesidades.

["happier under the jurisdiction of the ordinary, as he was closer to hand to meet their needs."]

Section 1, Paragraph 27:

en quanto a lo espiritual y monastico estuvieron sin duda desde los principios sugetas a la religion aunque en el govierno economico del beaterio ellas y el mayordomo estuvieron sugetos a la sagrada mitra interin que se recurria a su santidad y al rey.

[in relation to spiritual and monastic matters, they were without a doubt subject from the beginning to the religious order, although in the economic governance of the house, they were subject to the Holy Mitre while the matter was before His Holiness and the King.]

Section 1, Paragraph 29:

por tener munchas ocupaciones en la administracion de los yndios desta tierra

["because of having many duties in relation to the administration of the Indians of the land."]

Section 1, Paragraph 32:

Agora se ofresce un nego de unas monjas de sta clara las quales por estar nosotros ocupados en la doctrina de esta gente no las quisimos admitir a nra obediencia sino so ciertas condiciones entendiendo librarnos dellas por la imposibilidad de las dichas conditiones.

[now comes a new affair of the nuns of Santa Clara, whom because of being busy with the doctriirne of these [native] people we did not want to admit to our obedience except under certain conditions, thinking that we would liberate ourselves from [the nuns] through the impossibility of the said conditions.]

Section 1, Paragraph 33:

el principal yntento por que avian pasado a esta partes por mdo y orden de su magd ffue para la doctrina y conversion de los yndios

["the principal aim for which they came to these parts at the command and order of His Majesty was for the doctrine and conversion of the Indians."]

Section 1, Paragraph 34:

por el deseo que tengo de ver a mi orden descargada del yugo de tener monjas a cargo

["because of my desire to see my order freed of the yoke of administering nuns"]

Section 1, Paragraph 35:

por el deseo que tengo de ver a mi orden descargada del yugo de tener monjas a cargo

["because of my desire to see my order freed of the yoke of administering nuns"]

Section 1, Paragraph 39:

como es notorio esta el dicho monesterio y monjas del debaxo de la obediencia y subjecion de la horden del benaventurado san francisco desta nueva españa

["as is well known, the said monastery and nuns are under obedience and subjection to the Order of Saint Francis of New Spain."]

Section 1, Paragraph 43:

Juro como xpiano que los hechos de las monjas y sus ayudadores van siniestramente y con muchas cautelas y mentiras/ suppco a v.s. illma faboresca la parte del señor arçobispo y a nosotros nos libre de la administracion dellas para que mejor nos ocupemos en el servicio de dios y de su magd.

[I swear as a Christian that the deeds of the nuns and their helpers are proceeding in a sinister fashion and with much cunning and many lies. I beg Your Illustriousness to favour the side of the lord archbishop and to free us of the administration of [the nuns] so that we may better occupy ourselves in the service of God and Her Majesty.]

Section 1, Paragraph 44:

porque mis desseo no se estiende a pretender mas monjas de las que tengo a cargo

["because my will does not extend itself to seeking more nuns than those of whom I have charge."]

Section 1, Paragraph 47:

quando se funda monesterio se haze con mucho acuerdo y solenidad y con beneplacia de perlado y asi vido este testigo que se hizo quando se traxeron de la concecion las monjas que agora estan en rregina celi y quando se mudaron las monxas arrepentidas de la penitencia por que con las monxas de rregina celi vino muy grande aconpanamiento de gente y con las de la penitencia fue una procession muy solene a donde fue su exa. y toda la ciudad y audiencia.

[when a monastery is founded it is done with much accord and solemnity and with the approval of the prelate, and thus this witness has seen it done when they brought nuns from La Concepción whom are now in Regina Coeli, and when the Repentant Nuns of La Penitencia moved, because with the nuns of Regina came a very great accompaniment of people and with those of La Penitencia there was a very solemn procession which included His Excellency [the viceroy] and all the city and high court.]

Section 1, Paragraph 46:

no le costara a qualquiera de los dichos frayles sino hazer una sena a los yndios para alterarse y tomar armas

["one of the said friars need only make a scene and the Indians will rise and take up arms."]

Section 1, Paragraph 47:

y que con su voluntad los dichos ffrayles avian metido a las dichas monjas y que los indios estavan contentos dello

["and that it was in accordance with their will that the friars had brought the said nuns there, and the Indians were happy with the situation."]

Section 1, Paragraph 51:

dando harto escandalo al pueblo de su [the nuns'] demasiada livertad

["giving extreme scandal to the pueblo through their excessive liberty."]

Section 1, Paragraph 54:

la qual quisiera escrivir con letras de mi sangre para declarar mi sentimiento y el que los religiosos desta orden con mucha razon tiene. y pudieralo bien hazer, pues me han saccado treinta onças en una enfermedad que de la alteracion y pena de oir caso tan horrendo me sucedio.

[which I would like to write in my own blood to declare the sentiments that I and the friars of this order with good reason have. And I could well do it, as thirty ounces have been taken from me as the result of an illness I received from the disturbance and pain of hearing such a horrendous case.]

Section 1, Paragraph 55:

por averle conocido notablemente desfavorable y contrario a sus cosas dellas como a toda esta ciudad es notorio

["because of knowing him to be notably disfavourable to and against them as is notorious in the whole city."]


porque las e tenido por escojidas plantas para fundar de nuevo en estas partes la orden de sta clara

["because I have taken them for chosen plants to found anew in these parts the order of Saint Clare."]

Section 1, Paragraph 56:

una de las grandes crueldades que se a oido y entre catholicos christianos pienso que nunca vista

["one of the greatest cruelties that has been heard of, and I think among Catholic Christians has never been seen."]


unas de las sinceras y benditas criaturas y buenas y exemplares mugeres que he conoscido

["some of the most sincere and blessed creatures and good and exemplary women that I have known."]

Section 1, Paragraph 56:

prelacias o por mejor decir a acabar de destruir el monasterio, que a tanto como esto llega su insolencia

["prelacies, or more precisely, to finish destroying the monastery, as their insolence reaches that far."]

Section 1, Paragraph 61:

para la paz y quietud no solamte de el dicho conbento, mas de la ciudad de mexico

["for the peace and quietude not only of the said convent, but of the city of Mexico"]


cesaran muchos escandalos por que las demas que son mas de quarenta estando ellas presentes estaran muy inquietas

["will cease many scandals, because when [the foundresses] are present, the rest, who are more than forty, are very unquiet."]

Section 2, Paragraph 4:

mas rrecojidas y guardadas por aber calles rreales que las cerquen de todas partes

["more enclosed and guarded, as there are royal streets that will encircle them from all sides."]

Section 2, Paragraph 6:

sino entre los yndios ... e por ser casa de mugeres conviene este en medio de la cibdad

["except among the Indians ... and as a house of women it is proper that it should be in the middle of the city."]


en esta cibdad de mexico avria mui gran descontentacion en todos los vecinos

["in this city of Mexico there would be very great discontentment among all the citizens."]

Section 2, Paragraph 7:

el dicho colegio e casa de huerfanas no se podria poner ni edificar dentro de la poblacion de los españoles que en esta cibdad ay sino que se avia de poblar entre los yndios y poblandose entre los yndios se perdera la devocion de la gente porque estara lenxos y en parte no decente e por ser casa de mugeres conviene que este entre los españoles.

[the said college and house of orphan girls could not be [re] placed or [re] built in the settlement of the Spaniards of this city but would have to settle among the Indians, and settling among the Indians it will lose the devotion of the people, because it will be far away and in a place that is not decent, and because it is a house of women it is appropriate that it be among the Spaniards.]

Section 2, Paragraph 8:

[no sean vistas ni notadas lo qual estando apartados dello podria ser causa de hazer ofensas a dios

["they will not be seen or taken note of, and being apart from [the Spanish population] could be cause of offenses to God."]

Section 2, Paragraph 19:

la dicha yglessia esta cercada de cassas de yndios y mulatos y mestizos y muy apartada de los españoles... esta la dicha yglessia como dicho tiene en un barrio muy ynquieto y de gente muy destrayda y donde es el concurso de mulatos y mestizos y otras gentes de mal vivir.

[the said church is surrounded by houses of Indians, mulattos, and mestizos, and very separated from the Spaniards.... The church, as has been said, is in a very uinquiet neighbourhood of very idle people, where meet mulattos, mestizos, and other ill-living peoples.]

Section 2, Paragraph 20:

la mayor parte [de] la gente del dicho barrio es perdida y distrayda y viciosa

["most of the people of the said neighbourood are lost, idle, and vice-ridden."]

Section 3, Paragraph 2:

sobre que la Nueva España ha decaído mucho por la falta de indios, que cada vez es mayor

["concerning how New Spain has declined a great deal because of the lack of Indians, which is worse all the time."]

Section 3, Paragraph 3:

por que estava en un lugar apartado de conversacion y nadie acudia a sus oras ni officios divinos

["because it was in a place apart from conversation and no one came to hear the Hours or Divine Offices"]

Section 3, Paragraph 6:

en que se pueden labrar quatro quartos dormitorios en que cabran 500 monjas y sin estos tres quartos començada de cal y canto y paredes muy gruesas...y con todo esto la madre abbadesa pretendia buscar otra cassa no mirando que hera casa de pobres doncellas.

["in which can be built four dormitory rooms in which 500 nuns will fit; and without the three rooms already begun, strongly built and with massive walls ... and with all this the abbess has tried to seek another house, without paying attention to the fact that this was a house of poor maidens."]

Section 3, Paragraph 9:

entre mexico y santiago en un barrio de los padres de sant. franco donde suelen decir algunos dias misa por devocion de los indios

["between Mexico and Santiago, in a barrio belonging to the friars of Saint Francis, where they used to say mass for the devotion of the Indians."]