Chapter 6. Translations

Section 1, Paragraph 5:

la necessidad de la tierra [que] obliga a acreçentar los monesterios de monjas, para remedio y reparo de muchas donzellas pobres y de calidad

["the neediness of the land [which] obliges convents of nuns to grow, for the remedy of the many poor maidens of quality."]

Section 1, Paragraph 5:

donzellas pobres perdidas... hijas despañoles conquistadores y otras personas

["poor lost maidens... daughters of Spaniards, conquerors, and other persons."]

Section 1, Paragraph 6:

El collegio que v. md. llama de las doncellas mestiças ha venido a ser con el tiempo de españolas y gente honrrada y de calidad que son huerfanas o hijas de padres pobres que las depositan alli.

["the school that Your Majesty calls [the school] of mestiza maidens has come with time to be [a school] of Spanish girls and honorable people of quality who are orphans or daughters of poor parents who deposit them there."]

Section 1, Paragraph 7:

uno de los tres mas principales que ay en este reyno

["one of the three most principal that there are in this kingdom."]

Section 1, Paragraph 11:

aun entremeten aca en cosas de nra religion y de las nras rejas adentro

["even interfere in religious and internal matters."]

Section 1, Paragraph 18:

donde mas jente onrrada y principal se ba metiendo... en tal manera que si esto cesara o cesase se siguiria mucho dano y descomodidad a los vezos onrradas desta dicha ciudad

["where more honored and principal people are continually placed... in such a manner that if this [convent] might cease, much damage and discomfort would follow for the honored citizens of this city."]

Section 1, Paragraph 25:

en particular por aver en ella muchas hijas y nietas de criados de v. mgt. y personas benemeritas y algunas que por entrar en rreligion an dejado sus rrentas y encomiendas en que v. mgt a suçedido y tanvien por ser esta casa madre de donde an salido y salen plantas para todo esta rreyno.

[in particular for having in it many daughters and granddaughters of servants of Your Majesty and distinguished persons, and some of them, to enter religious life have left their pensions and encomiendas, to which Your Majesty has succeeded; and also for being a mother house from which have gone forth plants for the whole of this kingdom.]

Note 60:

Pues ya son pocos los que aun para meterlas monjas tienen caudal.

["There are few who have the means even to place [their daughters] as nuns."]