Chapter 2. Translations

Section 1, Paragraph 9:

las cosas de nuestra fe cristiana, y cómo se han de haber en el santo matrimonio

["matters of Christian faith, and how one must behave in holy matrimony."]

Section 1, Paragraph 12:

para pilares de una iglesia nueva como ésta se deben buscar los más honestos y más virtuosos clérigos que allá se hallaren; porque según las ocasiones que acá hay y el ejemplo que es menester dar a estas tiernas plantas en la fe, otros apóstoles habían de ser muy ajenos de cobdicia y ornados de honestidad.

[for pillars of a new church like this one it is necessary to seek the most honest and virtuous clerics who will be found [in Spain]; because in accordance with the circumstances that exist here, and the example that it is necessary to give to these new plants in the faith, other apostles had to be very far from greed and adorned with honesty.]

Section 2, Paragraph 5:

una matrona, mujer honrada, de nuestra nacion y de buen ejemplo

["a matron, an honorable woman, of our nation and of good example."]


no son profesas, por ser, como son, indias

["they are not professed, being, as they are, Indians"]

Section 2, Paragraph 7:

por manera que vayan con aquella honestidad y recogimiento que conforme a la calidad de sus personas se requiere

["in such a way that they travel with the honesty and enclosure that is required in accordance with the quality of their persons."]

Section 2, Paragraph 8:

lo más cerca que se pueda de la iglesia mayor de México

["as close as possible to the main church of Mexico."]

Section 2, Paragraph 11:

Las mujeres que vuestra majestad mandó venir a esta tierra han hecho y hacen mucho fruto y tiene en esta cibdad una casa y otro en Tescuco y otra en Guaxocingo y otra en Chilula y se da orden como haya otra en Tascala y otra en Chalco en que hay mucha copia de muchachas hijas de prencipales: tenemos esto por muy importante para la conversión universal desta gente.

[The women that Your Majesty ordered to come to this land have produced and are producing much fruit, and have a house in this city and another in Texcoco and another in Huejotzingo and another in Cholula and order is being given to build another in Tlaxcala and another in Chalco, where there are many daughters of noblemen. We see this as very important for the universal conversion of these people.]

Section 2, Paragraph 13:

donde diz que ha trabajado y padescido mucho en administrar y tener a cargo muchas donzellas

["where she says she has worked and endured much in administering and being in charge of many maidens."]

Section 2, Paragraph 14:

religiosa de la orden de st franco de la ciudad

["religious of the order of Saint Francis of the city."]

Section 2, Paragraph 15:

Ella con deseo de servir a dios nro sor y a nos tiene voluntad de pasar a la nueva españa para enseñar y doctrinar a los indios naturales della... y para ello tenia licena de su prelado y me suppco que pues su fin hera bueno y ella hera pobre le mandasemos proveer del pasaje y bastimientos que huviese menester para ella y una criada que la sirviese hasta llegar a la dicha tierra y de libros y otras cosas necesarias como se havia hecho con otras religiosas que havian pasado.

[She, with the desire to serve God Our Lord and [the Crown], has the will to pass to New Spain to teach and indoctrinate the Indians native to [the land]... and for this she has license from her prelate, and she begged me that since her end is good, and she is poor, that we order her provided with passage and with the supplies appropriate for her, and for a servant who might serve her, until arrival in the said land, and [also] with books and other necessary things as has been done with other women religious who have gone [there]]

Section 2, Paragraph 17:

en la ynstrucion de los naturales della

["in the instruction of the natives of [the land]"]

Section 2, Paragraph 19:

no se puede hazer nada sin maestras convenientes que las guarden y doctrinen dandoles el ejemplo que es razon porque ymitan y aprenden mucho de lo que been bueno y malo y que sean monjas o beatas profesas, que de las mugeres seglares no vemos la doctrina y fructo que los religiosos han plantado... y antes se ha visto que quieren adquirir para si y sus hijos que truxeron, y enfardelan para se bolver a Castilla; y a lo menos las religiosas profesas no diran que no prometieron obidiencia ni andaran fuera como estas, ni ay quien las haga estar en casa ni salir ni bolver de la iglesia mayor con las niñas sino poner otras substitutas indias y no digo en esta mas aunque no faltara que escrivir.

[nothing can be done without proper teachers to keep and teach them, giving the example that is right, because they imitate and learn much of what they see, good and bad; and that [the teachers] be nuns or beatas who have professed, because from the secular women we do not see the doctrine and fruit that the friars have planted... and before it has been seen that [secular women] want to acquire for themselves and for the children they brought, and scheme to return to Castile; and at least professed women religious will not say that they never promised obedience, nor will they wander around outside like these; nor is there anyone to make them stay in the house, or to go to and return from the cathedral with the girls rather than delegating Indian substitutes; and I say no more in this matter even though there is no lack of things to write.]

Section 2, Paragraph 19:

those who have come up until now, for the most part, do not apply or humble themselves to teach and handle [the girls] as they should according to their condition and manner, considering their brain and capacity; nor do they have the enclosure and honesty that women religious should have, which is more necessary here in the eyes of [the girls'] parents, that they (who are more suspicious than Spaniards) not balk so much at giving their daughters; and they tell me that [the teachers] go around outside, and that their noblewomen cannot go out ... and some of [the teachers] have left the houses on me, even though I ordered on pain of excommunication that they not leave, saying that they are not slaves who have to work for nothing.

[las que hasta agora han venido por la mayor parte no se aplican ni si humillan a las enseñar y tratar, como ellas lo han menester según su condición y manera, mediéndoles el seso y capacidad, ni tienen el recogimiento y honestidad que ternían las religiosas, que acá es más necesaria a los ojos de los padres, porque no rehusen tanto en dar sus hijas que son mas sospechosos que españoles, y me lo dicen que andan fuera, y que sus mujeres de principales no puedan salir... y algunas se me han salido de las casas aunque se lo he mandado y puesto de escomunión que no salgan, diciendo que ellas no son esclavas que han de trabajar en balde.]

Section 2, Paragraph 22:

vemos el mayor [éxito] que se seguiria si las maestras que á estas enseñasen hubiesen profesado, porque las mujeres que de esas partes han venido, como no fuesen obligadas á clausura ni obidiencia, salen y anden fuera y disponen de sí á su voluntad, sin haber lugar de ser compelidas para que estén en las dichas casas é no se nos vayan, como las más se han ido.

[we see the greater [success] that would follow if the teachers who taught the girls would be professed, because the women who have come from [Spain], as they were not obligated to cloister or obedience, come and go outside and dispose of themselves according to their will, without the possibility of being compelled to remain in the said houses and not to leave, as most of them have left.]

Section 2, Paragraph 23:

por no tener yo con que les dar de comer vestir e calçar e les pagar medicos e medecinas

["because I did not have anything with which to give them food, clothing, and shoes, and to pay for physicians and medicines."]


las mugeres que las [indias] doctrinan pueden ganar con obras que hizieren y con las que haran hazer a las yndias

["the women who teach the Indian girls can earn their living through handiwork that they do and that they make the girls perform."]

Section 2, Paragraph 24:

asy hijas de los pobladores de la tierra como de los naturales

["daughters of the settlers of the land and of the natives."]


porque las aventajan partidos en casas de seglares

["because they do better with positions in the houses of seculars."]

Section 2, Paragraph 25:

porque pues al presente no han de ser profesas ni encerradas, no han de estar sujetas a ningunas de las religiones

["because since at present they need not be professed or enclosed, they need not be subject to any of the religions."]

Section 2, Paragraph 27:

pues ellas no son religiosas ni están sujetas a visitación

["since they were not religious nor subject to visitation"]

Section 2, Paragraph 28:

diciendo que ellas no son monjas ni prometieron obediencia

["saying that they are not nuns, nor did they promise obedience."]

Section 3, Paragraph 4:

muchas personas tienen volutad de las ayudar para que se haga la dicha casa

["many people have the will to help them to build the house"]


se començo a hedificar una casa para ellas y no se ha hecho cosa alguna mas de lo que yo hize antes que de aqui me fuese a ... corte

["the building of a house for [the girls] commenced, and nothing at all has been done more than what I did before leaving here to come to court."]

Section 3, Paragraph 6:

las convidan con cantidades de oro dueñas de la cibdad porque las acompañen

["empting them with quantities of gold to accompany them."]

Section 3, Paragraph 10:

faltando los indios falta todo el bien della

["all the good of [the kingdom] would be lacking."]


esta claro el perjuicio que esta cibdad de México recibe por haber la multitud de indios que hay e cada día se multiplican

["it is clear what disadvantage this city of Mexico receives because of the multitude of Indians there are, and every day they multiply."]

Section 3, Paragraph 12:

que se provea donde la gente española acuda abiendo bollacio [sic] de guerra en los indios e donde se rrecojan las mugeres e niños

["that a place be provided where the Spanish people can come if there is threat of war among the Indians, and where women and children can be enclosed."]

Section 3, Paragraph 13:

no hay ciudad ni pueblo tan vendido ni en las manos de los enemigos como éste lo está por tenernos cercados de todas partes innumerables acequias y estanques de agua... todo el bien y fortaleza nuestra está en ser señores del campo y de los caballos.

[there is no city or town so sold to or in the hands of the enemy as this one is, because of our being enclosed in all parts by innumerable ditches and ponds of water ... all our good and strength is in being lords of the field and of horses.]

Section 4, Paragraph 2:

lo que mas conviene para la conversion y cristiandad de estos [indios]

["that which is most suitable for the conversion and Christianity of these [Indians]."]


la cosa en que mi pensamiento más se preocupa y mi voluntad más se inclina

["the thing with which my thoughts are most preoccupied and to which my will most inclines itself."]

Section 4, Paragraph 4:

en sitio que esté entre los mismos yndios, no entre los españoles

["in a site that is among the same Indians, not among Spaniards."]


monjas profesas que guarden clausura y no salgan, con algunas beatas, tales personas, que ayan prometido los votos de la religion y estén á obediencia del prelado

["professed nuns who keep cloister and do not go out, with some beatas, such persons as have promised vows of religion and may be under the obedience of the prelate."]

Section 4, Paragraph 6:

salvo a cosas necesarias para la instrucción las indias

["except for things necessary for the instruction of the Indian girls."]

Section 4, Paragraph 7:

tantas casas de niñas con sus madres maestras como monesterios de religiosos, y que si posible fuese en cada pueblo había de haber una

["as many houses of girls with their mother teachers as monasteries of friars; and if it be possible one in each pueblo."]

Section 4, Paragraph 9:

Decís que os parece cosa provechosa y muy necesaria para la instrucción de los hijos de los naturales, que haya en esa ciudad de México un monasterio de monjas profesas, de la manera que están en estos Reinos. Me ha parecido que por ahora no debe haber en las Indias monasterios de monjas, y aun hoy he mandado que no se haga ninguno.

[You say that it appears to you a beneficial thing, and very necessary for the instruction of the children of the natives, that there be in that city of Mexico a monastery of professed nuns, in the manner of those that are in these kingdoms. It has appeared to me that for now there should not be in the Indies monasteries of nuns, and just today I have ordered that none be built.]

Section 4, Paragraph 12:

... en lo que suplican seamos servidos de mandar hacer en essa ciudad dos monasterios de monjas, uno de la orden de san francisco, y otro de la orden de santo domingo, para mugeres de espanoles, y hijas de espanoles, como quiera que vuestro intento es mui bueno e enderezado a el servicio de dios nuestro senor, y bien de essa tierra, platicado aca, ha parecido que al precente combiene mas que se casen por que esa tierra se pueble, y asi vos encargo mucho vos tengais siempre principal cuidado e intencion a que se casen por que la poblacion se aumente, que cuando sea tiempo de hacerse monasterios de monjas, nos ternemos memoria de ello para lo mandar proveer.

[... in that which you beg, that we be served to order built in that city two monasteries of nuns, one of the order of Saint Francis, and the other of the order of Saint Dominic, for wives of Spaniards, and daughters of Spaniards, though your intention is very good and favorable to the service of God Our Lord and the good of that land, talking about it here, it has appeared that at the present it is more suitable that they marry so that the land becomes populated; and thus I charge you strongly to always have as your principal care and intention that they marry so that the population [of Spaniards] will grow, [and] that when it is time to create monasteries of nuns, we will have notice of it so that we may order it done.]

Section 4, Paragraph 13:

Mejor sería que esta cibdad estoviese con mucha gente e que en ella se acrecentas e no se disminuyese en especial de españoles pues ésta sola es la que ha de pacificar e sostener toda la tierra

["It would be better that this city remains populated with many people, and that [the population], especially of Spaniards, increases and does not diminish," the councilors wrote, "because this [city] alone is the one that has to pacify and sustain the whole land."]

Section 4, Paragraph 15:

... porque en esta dicha cibdad e Nueva España hay ya mucho número de doncellas hijas de españoles, legítimas y naturales, hijas de personas honradas e principales, e todas no se pueden casar, ansí por no tener con qué les dotar como por otros justos impedimentos, suplíquese a s.m. sea servido dotar en esta cibdad dos monesterios, uno de la orden de señor San Francisco y otro de la orden de señor Santo Domingo, en que las tales doncellas se metan e sean monjas. E pues los Reyes Católicos, progenitores de s.m. los fundaron y dotaron en la cibdad de Granada, que se ganó como se ha ganado este reino, con más justa cabsa s.m. lo debe hacer en esta partes, pues dello resulta servicio a Dios Nuestro Señor e de s.m., e gran merced, pró e utilidad a los españoles en ellos por la seguridad del estado de las tales doncellas.

[... because in this said city and New Spain there are already many maidens, daughters of Spaniards, legitimate and natural, daughters of honored and principal persons, and all of them unable to marry, both because of lack of dowry and for other just impediments, His Majesty be begged that he be served to endow in this city two convents, one of the order of Lord Saint Francis and the other of the order of Lord Saint Dominic, in which such maidens can be placed and might be nuns. And as the Catholic Monarchs, progenitors of His Majesty, founded and endowed [convents] in the city of Granada, which was won as this kingdom has been won, with more just cause His Majesty should do it in these parts, as from it results service to God Our Lord and to His Majesty, and great favor, profit, and utility to the Spaniards in [these kingdoms] through the security of the estate of such maidens.]

Section 4, Paragraph 23:

un suntuoso monesterio de monjas profesas a la manera de Castilla

["a sumptuous monastery of professed nuns in the manner of Castile"]

Section 4, Paragraph 25:

las doncellas tienen gran necesidad... y si en breve v. mt. no lo remedia, ... corren mucho riesgo y peligro

["the maidens are very needy ... and if Your Majesty does not remedy it quickly, ... they will be running much risk and danger."]


está aquí una monja que lo sabrá hazer

[there is a nun here who will know how to do it."]


la mas exçelente obra pia que en las indias se puede conçeder

["the most excellent pious work which could be bestowed upon the Indies"]

Section 4, Paragraph 26:

un rrecogimio y monesterio con la mas rrenta que se pudiese donde se rrecogiesen las pobres huerfanas viniendo para ello algunas monjas de buena vida e doctrina... no ay cosa que mas convenga al presente para el servicio de dios.

[an enclosure and monastery with the greatest income possible in which poor orphan girls can be collected, coming [as teachers] some nuns of good life and doctrine ... there is nothing that is more suitable at present for the service of God.]

Section 4, Paragraph 29:

porque ciertamente esta bien fundado y con tanto exenplo y rreligion y tan alavado de todos que no hazen ventaja los monesterios escojidos despana

["because certainly it is well founded, and with such example and religion, and so praised by everyone, that the most select monasteries of Spain have no advantage over it."]


a nascido a todos los desta tierra un Nuevo animo que ninguno de buen cristiano se prescia teniendo hijas sino ofresce una y algunos mas a jesucristo

["among everyone in this land a new spirit has been born, such that no good Christian boasts of having daughters without having offered one or more to Jesus Christ."]


para que los naturales destos reynos sean edificados en su nueva conversion

["that the natives of these kingdoms be edified in their new conversion."]

Section 5, Paragraph 1:

habiendo cesado por la mayor parte la dicha crianza y doctrina, se han ido casi todas [las indias] a casa de sus padres e ya no hay en la casa más de cuatro o cinco indias mayores

["the rearing and doctrine having for the most part ceased, almost all the girls went home to their parents' houses, and now in the house there are not more than four or five Indian women."]


que totalmente quedó yerma en la pestilencia próximo pasado

["which was left totally vacant by the pestilence of last year."]

Section 5, Paragraph 4:

Esta Buena obra y doctrina duró obra de diez años y no mas, porque ... estas niñas no se enseñaban más de para ser casadas

["this good work and doctrine lasted only ten years and no more, because these girls were not taught more than to be married."]

Section 5, Paragraph 5:

mas como ellas, segun su natural, no eran para Monjas, y alli no tenian, que aprender mas, que a ser Christianas, y servir honestamente en lei de Matrimonio, no pudo durar mucho esta manera de clausura, y asi duraria poco mas de diez Años.

[more because they, according to their nature, were not for nuns, and there they did not have to learn more than to be Christians, and to serve honestly in the law of matrimony; this manner of cloister could [therefore] not last long, and thus it lasted a little more than ten years.]

Section 5, Paragraph 6:

y no antes de desposadas, con las bendiciones de la Iglesia, se entreguen a sus maridos para hacer vida maridable

["and not before being married with the benedictions of the Church, to transfer them to their husbands to begin married life."]

Section 5, Paragraph 7:

los oficios mujeriles que usan las españolas, como es coser y labrar y otros semejantes

["womanly offices that are customary among Spaniards, such as sewing and embroidery and other similar things."]

Section 5, Paragraph 8:

a los principios tuvimos opinión que ellos serían hábiles para sacerdotes y ellas para monjas y religiosas; pero engañónos nuestra opinión; por experiencia entendimos que por entonces no eran capaces de tanta perfección.

[in the beginning we had the opinion that [the boys] would be suited for priests and [the girls] for nuns and female religious; but we were fooled; through experience we came to understand that for the time being they were not capable of such perfection.]

Section 5, Paragraph 9:

porque en este clima hace ventaja el mujeriego [sic] en su modo al sexo varonil

["because in this climate the woman in her way is better off than the manly sex."]

Section 5, Paragraph 10:

/as mujeres solteras que se halla andar derramadas en ofensa de Nuestro Señor

["ingle women who were found wandering wasted in offence of Our Lord"]

Section 5, Paragraph 11:

enseñándose unas a otras con la mayor sinceridad y honestidad que se puede imaginar

["some of them teaching the others with the greatest sincerity and honesty that can be imagined."]

Section 5, Paragraph 12:

a manera de beatas, no porque ellas hiciesen algún voto (a lo menos público), más de que voluntariamente se ofrecieron al Señor, no apartándose de su templo y servicio, ocupadas en oraciones, ayunos y vigilias, a ejemplo de aquella Santa Ana viuda... y juntamente ejercitándose en obras de caridad y virtud, a imitación de las santas mujeres que en la primitiva Iglesia seguían y servían a los apóstoles y discípulos de Cristo.

[in the manner of beatas, not because they had taken any vows (at least publicly), but more because voluntarily they offered themselves to the Lord, not separating themselves from his temple and service, occupied in prayers, fasts, and vigils, with Saint Anne the widow as their example ... and at the same time exercising themselves in works of charity and virtue, in imitation of the holy women who in the primitive church followed and served the apostles and disciples of Christ.]

Section 5, Paragraph 13:

tan enteras en la guarda de su virginidad, como las muy encerradas hijas de señores españoles metidas tras veinte paredes

["which is a Babylon," they were "as strong in the guarding of their virginity as the most enclosed daughters of Spanish ladies behind twenty walls."]

Section 5, Paragraph 15:

Ahora en muy pocas partes hay de estas matronas o beatas que se ejerciten en semejantes obras espirituales, por haberse disminuido mucho la gente que solía haber, y porque dicen tienen harto que haver en buscar lo que han menester para su sustento, y para pagar su tributo y otras imposiciones que siempre les van añadiendo.

[Today there are in very few parts these matrons or beatas who exercise themselves in such spiritual works, because the population that there used to be is much diminished, and because they say they have more than enough to do finding what is necessary for their sustenance, and for paying their tribute and the other impositions that continue to be added to them.]

Section 5, Paragraph 16:

esta gente es mui inclinada a vitios [sic]... a la flaqueza de la carne con el aparejo de la desnudez y poca o mui rrara rresistencia de las mujeres

["these people are very inclined to vices ... to the weakness of the flesh, with the spur of nudity and small or rare resistance of the women."]

Section 5, Paragraph 17:

que sustentan las muchas granjerías y contrataciones en los tianguez y mercados y estas con mas fuerça y mas baronilmente lo tratan y contratan

["who sustain most of the profits and transactions in the markets; and they deal and make contracts with more strength and in a more manly fashion."]

Section 5, Paragraph 18:

acuerdome que cuando hera muchacho sin que lo supiesen mis padres mis hermanas rrobaban lo que podian para darmelo y ansi son estas mugeres en esta tierra que todo quanto pueden grangear y tomar todo es para los rreligiosos que se lo dan de socapa socolor que son beatas y ansi se beran de ciento a ciento con sus mantas blancas que son sabanas.

[I remember when I was a boy, without my parents' knowing it, my sisters stole whatever they could to give it to me; and thus are these [Indian] women of this land. All that they can earn or take, all of it is for the friars, and they give it to them on the pretext that they are beatas; and thus they can be seen by the hundreds, with their white capes, which are only sheets.]

Section 5, Paragraph 22:

de las cassas para rrecoger y doctrinar yndias doncellas y enseñarlas en buena criança que V. Md presupone se han fundado en esta ciudad y otras partes no he hallado raçon ninguna de que las aya ni me la han savido dar personas de la audiencia ni fuera della de quien me he informado.

[of the houses for enclosing and indoctrinating Indian maidens ... that Your Majesty supposes have been founded in this city and other parts, I have not found any evidence that they might exist, nor have persons from this audiencia and outside of it of whom I have inquired.]

Section 5, Paragraph 24:

ningun monesto de la xpiandad le haze ventaja, y ansi se tiene en gran veneracion y estimacion y entendiendose ansi en todos los monesterios que despues aca se an fundado an sido fundadoras desta convento y con su rreligion lo an plantado en todos los demas con publica satisfaçion del rreyno.

[there is no monastery in Christendom that is superior, and thus it is held in great veneration and estimation, and thus in all the monasteries that have afterward been founded here, foundresses have come from this convent, and with their religion they have planted it in all the others with public satisfaction of the kingdom.]

Note 243:

El Emperador Carlos Quinto nro sr mando, que en estos reynos, obiese conventos de monjas yndias, a su real costa, y asi los ubo, como muchos testifican, en esta ciudad, en la trinidad, y el collegio de las niñas se hizo para esso, y en Cuyoacan, Tlaxcala, Tlalmanalco, Techamachalco y Mechoacan-y por enseñar en experiencia, que no eran capaces, para governarse por si mismas, en estado tan perfecto, no passaron adelante las dichas fundaciones:-pues si en los conventos de monjas, con orden de sus prelados se acuda a esto con todo cuydado, conforme a la capacidad de las dichas indias.

[The Emperor Charles V our lord ordered that in these kingdoms there be convents of Indian nuns at his royal expense; and thus there were, as many people testify, in this city, in La Trinidad, and the Colegio de Niñas was built for this; and in Coyoacán, Tlaxcala, Tlalmanalco, Techamachalco, and Michoacán. And as experience taught that they were not capable of governing themselves in such a perfect state, the said foundations did not survive.]