The Eastern Hemisphere |
Kabul, Qandahar, and Peshawar Identified |
The Interregional Perspective |
The Cartographic Emergence of Afghanistan |
Plowing |
Irrigation |
Harvest and Post-Harvest Work |
Mill Exterior |
Mill Interior |
Well in Marketplace |
Well in Rural Zone |
Walled Vineyard |
Vineyards |
Grape-Drying Hut in Vineyard |
Grape-Drying Hut Up Close |
Open-Air Grape Drying |
Experimental Grape Drying |
Grape Packaging |
Fresh-Produce Seller |
Istalif |
Debarking Timber |
Wood, Melons, Slate Market |
Potato Farmers |
Peshawar Market |
Kiln Labor |
Sayyid Muhin Shah Commercial Experiment #4 |
Two-Way Traffic |
Qandahar Warehouse |
Cameleer |
Elephants from Jewett |
Nomad Tents in the South |
Nomad Tents in the North |
Brydon |
Dost Mohammed and Secretary |
Kelat-i Ghilzai |
Pashtun Kot |
Subsidy |
Market Mobility and Periodicity |
Chindawul Serai |
Tea Warehouse |
Serai System |
Trains |
Mashin Khana Interior Illustration |
Mashin Khana Aerial |
Mashin Khana Close-Up View |
Landowners and Laborers |
Surgeons and Physicians |
Bankers |
Execution |
Man Cage Distant View |
Man Cage Close-Up View |
Post Office |
Coins |
Guthrie |
Sikh Festival |
Sikh Merchant |
Khaibar View of Torkham |
Torkham |
Tea Merchant |
Nomad Passport |
Pasture Dispute Resolution |
Sethi Document Storage Room |
Sethi Document Storage Box |
Kabul-Qandahar Highway |
Helmand, 1973 |
Helmand, 1974 |